Bugali: imagination at your fingertips

The very first augmented reading experience for children aged 3-7 is here! With our console, printed books become tactile adventures full of sound, increasing the endless joys of reading. Order today to introduce your children to a whole new way of reading that will stay with them forever.

How do we bring touch and sound to paper books?

One console, lots of stories, endless adventures!

We have thirty-one books for little ones (3+) and older children (5+) already available. Thanks to our partnerships with amazing publishing houses (Gallimard Jeunesse, Seuil Jeunesse, L'ecole des loisires and plenty of others), our library is always growing!

Bugali at the Bon Marché department store!

Come and discover Bugali in person at the Bon Marché. Bugali is reinventing the amazing power of books: learning about yourself, others and the world through the magic of stories, music, games and songs. To experience it yourself, come and explore Bugali in the Children's section, on the third floor.

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